fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=2801 RSS 2.0 총 58 개의 게시물이 있습니다. 게시물 검색 제목 제목 작성자 검색어 입력 게시글 리스트 Park Jong-tae, president of Incheon National University, wins the Korea Service Award in the second half of 2024 작성일 2024.12.23 작성자 홍보팀 조회 190 Professor Kim Jun-ho's research team in the Department of Physics publishes the results of research on caste light thin film solar cells (Energy & Environmental Science) 작성일 2024.12.23 작성자 홍보팀 조회 187 Researchers from Professor Kang Woo-cheol of Incheon National University's Dept. of Embedded-Systems Engineering present the world's most prestigious artificial intelligence society NeurIPS2 작성일 2024.12.23 작성자 홍보팀 조회 163 Development of Inflammatory Intestinal Disease Treatment Using Plant-derived Exosomes: Results of the Research Team of Professor Lee Won-jong of Incheon National University 작성일 2024.12.08 작성자 홍보팀 조회 342 A research team led by Professor Lee Chang-yeon of the Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering published a paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society 작성일 2024.12.08 작성자 홍보팀 조회 341 A research team led by Yang Ki-seok, a bioengineering professor at Incheon National University, published a paper in the journal Nature Rev. Bioeng 작성일 2024.12.08 작성자 홍보팀 조회 276 Professor Han Mi-ryeong and Joo Hye-yeon of Incheon National University's Molecular & Medical Science, "High-grade serous ovarian cancer spatial transcription and CT image integrated imaging 작성일 2024.12.08 작성자 홍보팀 조회 151 Professor Park Young-mi, Park Seung-ryong, and Choi Soo-bong's research team in the Department of Physics, published a paper on ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces with undergraduate researchers 작성일 2024.12.08 작성자 홍보팀 조회 171 처음 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 다음 페이지 끝